Let's Move Salad Bars to Schools

This project is part of the national "Lets Move Salad Bars to Schools" initiative. For more information visit http://saladbars2schools.org/.

Salad Bar Resources

Alaska Salad Bar Training Handouts

"Alaska Salad Bar to Schools Resources" Manual August 2012

Alaska Resources:

Farm to School Resources for Food Service Professionals.  Alaska Department of Natural Resources, Farm to School Program: http://dnr.alaska.gov/ag/ag_SchoolFood.htm.

Safe Use of Salad Bars in Schools.  Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation Food Safety and Sanitation Program: http://www.dec.alaska.gov/eh/fss/Food/Docs/Fact%20Sheets/SchoolSaladBarSafety%20FINAL.pdf.

Traditional Foods and Donated Fish and Game. Alaska Department of Education and Early Development, Child Nutrition Program: http://eed.alaska.gov/tls/cnp/TFDFG.html.

Other Resources:

USDA Memo SP31-2013 Salad Bars in the National School Lunch Program. March 27, 2013. http://www.fns.usda.gov/cnd/Governance/Policy-Memos/2013/SP31-2013os.pdf

Equipment to Make Fresh Prep Easier. Presentation developed by Alyssa Moles, Mid-Atlantic Regional Lead for the National Farm to School Network. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1xj5YN8vI2iKFkFBm3DbpN0oAgIPVYsgQzmaeC3ojZQg/present?ueb=true#slide=id.p13

Fruit and Veggie Quantity Cookbook. New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services: http://www.dhhs.nh.gov/dphs/nhp/healthyrecipescooking.htm

Kid Friendly Recipes using Locally Procured Products. Chef Tim Cipriano, Executive Director of Food Services for the New Haven, CT Public Schools: http://www.localfooddude.com/Pages/recipes.aspx.

Let’s Move Salad Bars to Schools. http://www.saladbars2schools.org.

The Lunch Box.  http://www.thelunchbox.org.

Tricks of the Trade. USDA Team Nutrition:

USDA Recipes for Schools. National Food Service Management Institute: